DAOs are very different organizations from what we used to know, in several of their aspects. Governed by rules that are embodied in smart contracts, established in such a way that they are self-executing, the so-called Decentralized Autonomous Organizations face a number of challenges, particularly because it is a new concept that has little definition or different rules by certain countries that are already receptive to DAOs.
We believe that DAOs offer a number of benefits that make them worth exploring. Our goal is to help builders, companies and initiatives create thriving DAOs that are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. We act as facilitators for entrepreneurs, companies and initiatives to create or carry out activities related to DAOs, according to their purposes and needs.
Our services include the creation of feasibility studies, assistance in the development of business models, whitepapers and litepapers, regulatory analysis, creation of off-shore structures, contracts, and instruments necessary for project implementation and execution.