Practice Areas

Follow the news, our materials, our initiatives and participation in the blockchain market and in the Web3 ecosystem.

Business and Corporate Consulting

Create successful NFT projects and collections


Tokenize physical and digital assets with security and credibility


Build your Decentralized Autonomous Organization the Right Way

Intellectual Property

Explore the possibilities of the metaverse in an optimized way


Develop decentralized finance products properly

Privacy and Data Protection

We are the legal arm for exchanges and fintechs in the crypto-active market


Set up and license blockchain-based gaming and betting


Perform token offering in a safe and proper manner


We advise groups and organizations focused on promoting and growing the market around blockchain and Web3 in Brazil

Corporate Criminal

We advise on complex corporate transactions involving companies in the blockchain and Web3 market


We advise on complex corporate transactions involving companies in the blockchain and Web3 market